Easy To Sew Tunic

I'm definitely one whose's always on the hunt for clothes that are comfortable these days especially when I have such a busy schedule during the week ( Home health at home as well as in the evenings away from home ) and I'm even busier on weekends with running errands, church, spending quality time with family which usually entails me cooking dinner, hosting and/or attending an event or engaging in one of my most favorite things....SEWING!! Oh no I can't go for too long without stitching something together.  Which brings me to share with you all, a few details about this long tunic with splits on each side. I wore this very comfy top today with one of my favorite pairs of skinny leg jeans ( old, from Chico's ). This tunic was a very easy make with the Simplicity Pattern 8138 view A and the fabric I used was a med weight 100% polyester and is the reason I opt to not make the cap sleeves as shown on the model in the picture.  The layout and instructions were very easy to follow and with that being said, I'm making another one soon... more than likely it will be the shorter version with the tie belt and in a silky type of fabric and it will also have the cap sleeves.  Thanks for visiting and viewing my blog and remember....you too can make it if you try, just DIY!!!  Blessings everyone!




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